SOUTHPORT BIKES & BOARDS strives to be your 1st Stop for everything you need for biking and Skateboarding. Our website is a small glimpse of what we offer. We took the buy buttons off because, frankly we just don’t have the time or personnel to keep it up on a real-time basis. In these new times where even Amazon won’t overnight you anything but PPE or food, it is time for you to come back to your local store and transact business in person. We do have way more cool stuff in the store and you can take it it home today. What is faster than that?
We do value your time and understand that sometimes the only time you have is after our hours, so Yes, you can reach us by email, message us on Facebook, or Instagram or text, but the best and fastest way to get an answer to your questions or buy product is to pickup the phone and call us. We just don't have anyway to monitor our Facebook and Instagram while we are working helping you in the store. You won't get a voicemail tree or an attitude, we answer every call and are ready to help.
Best ways to communicate: Fastest to Slowest
- Call Us: 262-652-2522 or 1-800-877-7025
- Visit the Shop
- Text 262-652-5434
- Email:
- Facebook: The Boardshop / The Bike Shop
- Instagram: @southport_skateshop
- Ask a friend